Some faculty have reported that their schools have decided to limit support for them to travel even for professional development. If you would like to assist such faculty who would like to attend the ICTA 2021 Convention, you can make a donation to ICTA using the form below. If you want to make the donation for a particular individual, indicate the name of the person in the comment area. 

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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Cell Phone
*Amount ($USD)

Thank you for your contribution.

Illinois Communication and Theatre Association

C/O Edward Schwarz

Prairie State College

202 S. Halsted St.

Chicago Heights, IL 60411


Joining us gives permission to share any photos or video taken at conference or shared by other members. We need to advocate for ourselves and our students' futures in Illinois in the areas of communication and theatre. If you wish to not have a photo published on the web, please contact